Common dolphin
Common dolphin-Delphinus delphis
Although the name Common Dolphin indicates a great distribution and abundance, this species has undergone a serious reduction in population since 1980. In the Mediterranean basin the main cause of this decrease was hunting for food purposes. The dolphin mosciame, or dolphin fillet, was served in restaurants until the early 1950s. Today the population seems to be showing signs of recovery, particularly in the eastern Mediterranean area, while in the western one it is possible to meet common dolphins in small groups or mixed together with dolphins.
These two species are very similar to each other and it is not easy to recognize them from the top of the boat. But our protagonist has the typical inverted hourglass coloring on the hips, in which the only bright color present on the body of a cetacean is visible. The colors on it are in fact ocher yellow and gray, under a gray / black back like that of the Stenelle cousins.
The slender and agile body of these dolphins makes them skilled swimmers, capable of reaching speeds of 35 knots (63 km / h) and are almost imperceptibly larger and elongated than the dolphins.
Common dolphins are particularly active in the game, often performing porpoising (repeated dips forward), tailslapping (slapping water with fins) and bowriding with boats.
Coloration - Gray / Black, with yellow / gray side hourglass
Adult length - 2.5 m
Adult weight - 150 kg
Birth weight - 10 kg
Diet - Shrimps, Mollusks, Fish
Group - 6 individuals
Status - Danger
Excessive fishing
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