
Founder and researcher of the Centro Ricerca Cetacei, she began researching dolphins during her university studies. Graduated in Natural Sciences in Milan, she happily left the city to devote herself to her passions and become Elban by adoption. Skipper and sailor, she lives for six months a year on board of catamaran Ketos.

Commander and researcher of the catamaran Ketos. After having sought the various perspectives of the animals study, from veterinary medicine, to the degree in zootechnical sciences, to marine biology, he dedicated all his studies to cetaceans, thanks to his passion for dolphins and a deep knowledge of the sea, to which he consecrated his whole life. Lifeguard, diver, swimmer, he has its natural habitat in the water.

Graduated in veterinary with the firm conviction of working with dolphins, she built her own cultural background on cetaceans with courses and conferences, so much so that she fully deserves the trust of the Centro Ricerca Cetacei, with which she completed her training. With her cheerfulness and competence she is the manager of the veterinarians’ courses, ready to intervene in case a dolphin has problems.

At the age of 6 she knew the scientific names of the main species of dolphins and whales. Passionate about the sea, especially cetaceans, she graduated in marine biology at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. Divemaster and great sailing passionate, she is in charge of the management of the daily courses "Researcher for a day" as well as the realization of informative evenings in tourist facilities.

PhD and Degree in Environmental Sciences, now professor of science and collaborator of the Centro Ricerca Cetacei. Lover of the sea and all its wonderful inhabitants, swimmer, dive master, lifeguard and swimming instructor. She is the mother of Beatrice Alyssa and little Azzurra.

She is a Lagotto Romagnolo dog, her hair does not contain the molecule that gives allergy. She embarked on a noble career as a hub aboard the Ketos in 2014, being part of the crew on a permanent basis. After training in the seafaring arts, she gives a hard time to the best sailors. "Beware of you who anchor too close, there is Spugna, the dog of the dolphins!"